No. 132 Wednesday, August 25, 2010
By Okoye Henry
Contract workers who were made redundant at ACS: A Xerox Company, formally called ACS E-Service, staged a protest at the facility last Friday morning, over the lack of clarity as it relates to their redundancy payment.

   Workers of the Blue Cross Blue Shield GA Data department, refused to follow on the terms of the company, who they claim, wants to go back on their word and changed the original agreed terms of payment, which they issued in two letters to the entire department.
    The original terms as stated by one redundant worker, Vinette Clarke, are that for their contract periods of 30 to 90 days and work time, four weeks notice pay, redundancy payment, vacation payment and one work day will be made to them by August 27.
    However, management wants to change the terms and pay workers in three parts; that is one each for the month of September, October ending November. Before this is done though, management needs the return of the two letters that were issued and then a breakdown of the details in a new letter will be given to those made redundant. The two earlier letters were said to have been issued by mistake.
    The protestors shunned this request stating that the company cannot be trusted as two earlier batches have already left, without a breakdown of how they will get their money.
    “The company sent home a set yesterday and refused to honour the contract on how they should get paid, so we don’t want any three part payment, we want all our money at once,” shouted one of the protestors, Michelle Watkins.
    Protestors said another reason for the demonstration is because they do not know where else to turn as the company’s officials are not communicating with them. To whom they speak is the human resource director who is on vacation, vice president for health care whose location is unknown to them and their former manager who they said isn’t going to intervene in the matter.
    “We are here demonstrating because anyone is here to address our needs,” shouted one protester.
    Also, it was revealed that the former general manager resigned and up to this point workers at the company haven’t received word as to who replaced him.
    The protestors also stated that because of their refusal, the company is threatening to remove their benefits such as health care and life insurance.
    When the Western Mirror contacted ACS: A Xerox Company for a comment on the matter, no senior officials were available to do so.
    However, when our office contacted the protestors it was revealed that the matter was is being settled as the company agreed to honour their original agreement. It was said top officials of the company held two meeting with them, on Friday and Monday, to apologise and listen to their comments and inquiries on the whole matter. Letters will be distributed to the department sometime this week which will outline details of their redundancy.
    Also, those made redundant were invited to return to the company to work until their contract is completed. After that they will receive their redundancy packages.

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